Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veteran’s Day

What’s Veterans Day?

A public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
¨    When is it?


¨    What is the purpose of Veterans Day?

 honoring people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as veterans.

¨    Why is it important to show honor on Veteran’s Day?

It’s important because we must show respect for those people who have sacrificed everything in the army for us/country.

1.      Attend a Veteran’s Day event.

2.     Ask a Veteran about their time in the military, and really listen to the answer.

3.     Hang a flag in your yard.

4. Ask an aging Veteran to share with you the song that most takes them

5.     Visit the gravesite of a Veteran.

6.     Visit a homebound Veteran in their home, talk with them, and thank them for their service.

7.     Visit a homeless Veteran under a bridge, and do the same.

I think Veteran’s Day is a very special day honoring the people who sacrificed everything for us in the military. Honestly I would either wanna be in the Air Force or Navy when I grow up. It’s a hard job to do,but it’s wonderful doing something for your country. At the same time I feel sad for any military family  that has lost a loved one. I have great respect for the military. To any person that has the balls! To go fight for their country I give them R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

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